



委員長 三嶋恒平(慶應義塾大学)




  • (1)英語セッション報告を希望されるアジア経営学会の会員は、下記の申込みテンプレートを記載したメールを英語セッション委員会Eメール・アドレス宛にご送信下さい。
  • (2)英語セッションについては、アジア経営学会会員(正会員・シニア会員)による推薦がある場合には非会員による発表の申し込みも受け付け、英語セッション委員会による事前審査を経て発表が認められることがあります。
  • (3)英語セッション報告の申込期限は2024年6月30日(日)23:59(JST)といたします。
  • (4)大会実行委員会は申込日を含めて5日以内に、申し込みを受理した旨のEメールを送信いたします。6日目になっても受理確認の返信メールが届かない場合には大会実行委員会にEメールにてお問い合わせ下さい。
  • (5)遅くとも7月末を目処に報告希望の採否をお知らせいたします。
  • (6)大会報告までに少なくとも2023年度分の会費を納入している必要があります(英語セッションにおける非会員の報告を除く)。毎年4月に会費振込用紙が届きますので会費納入状況をご確認下さい。それ以前にご自身の会費納入状況を確認したい時はアジア経営学会事務局(office(at)asiakeieigakkai.org (at)を@にご変更下さい)宛にお問い合わせください。なお2024年度より本会会員となった場合には2024年度会費納入が必要です。
  • (7)報告予定稿(A4版2ページ以内)の提出締め切りは8月中旬を予定しています。予定稿は学会ホームページにアップロードされます。報告予定者にはあらためて詳細を連絡いたします。なお、自由論題の応募者多数の場合は、テーマごとの分科会方式にて開催する場合もございます。

申込締切  :2024年6月30日(日)23:59(JST)
宛 先   :アジア経営学会英語セッション委員会
E-mail   :jsaam.esc(at)gmail.com *(at)を@にご変更下さい。

【 連 絡 事 項 】
(1)氏名   :
(3)会員種別 :正会員・シニア会員・院生会員・海外特別会員(いずれかに○、またはいずれかを残してくださ




May 7, 2024
The 31st National Convention
Dear Members of Japan Scholarly Association for Asian Management

English Session Committee
Chairperson: Kohei Mishima (Keio University)
E-mail: jsaam.esc(at)gmail.com
(Please change (at) to @)

Call for Papers

The 31th Annual meeting of the Japan Scholarly Association for Asian Management (JSAAM) will be held at NISHINOMIYA UEGAHARA Campus of KWANSEI GAKUIN University from September 13(Fri.) to 15 (Sun.), 2024. The English session will be held on Saturday, September 14.

We are therefore calling for presenters for the English sessions as follows. In principle, English sessions will be in-person, but online participation is also possible.

  • (1) Members of JSAAM who wish to present a paper in English are requested to send an e-mail of the English Session Committee with the following information.
  • (2) Non-members may apply for the English session as long as a JSAAM member (regular member or senior member) recommends each presentation. Their presentations may be accepted after preliminary review by the English Session Committee.
  • (3) The deadline for submitting English session reports is Jun 30, 2024 (Sunday) (JST).
  • (4) The English Session Committee will send an e-mail acknowledging receipt of the application within five days of the application date. If applicants do not receive an e-mail confirming that their application has been accepted within five days, including the first six days, please contact the Congress Committee by e-mail.
  • (5) Applicants will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their application by the end of June at the latest.
  • (6) Applicants must have paid the membership fee for at least the fiscal year 2023 by the time of their report (except for non-member reports in the English session). Please check their membership fee payment status when they receive the membership fee transfer form in April. If applicants would like to check their membership fee payment status before then, don't hesitate to get in touch with JSAAM (office(at)asiakeieigakkai.org (change "at" to "@")). If applicants have become a member of the Society from the fiscal year 2024, they must pay the membership fee for the fiscal year 2024.
  • (7) The deadline for submitting the draft report summary (maximum of two A4 pages) is scheduled for mid-August. The draft will be uploaded to the JSAAM website. The presenters will be notified of the details as soon as possible.

Application for English Session of JSAAM
Application deadline: Must arrive no later than Sunday, June 30, 2024 (JST)
To: English Session Committee, Asian Academy of Management
E-mail :jsaam.esc(at)gmail.com (Please change "at" to "@")
Contact Information] (Please circle one or leave one of the items marked with an asterisk (*))

(1) Name
(2) Affiliation / Position
(3) Type of membership: (*) Regular member, Senior member, Graduate student member, Overseas special member, Non-member
(4) Report title (in English for English session):
(5) Mobile Phone number:
(6) Contact E-mail (1)
      E-mail (2)
Please provide two e-mail addresses in the order of most frequently used.
(7) Abstract (about 100 words in English)
